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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Week without Social Media

Fastcompany.com - Earlier this month, Pennsylvania's Harrisburg University of Science and Technology began a week-long ban of social media. For days, students struggled to cope with the lifestyle changes: Having no access to Facebook, Twitter, and other services on campus was like trudging through the desert without water. The blackout has since ended: Somehow, above all odds, the students survived.

"When we first started, there were quite a few angry students," says provost Eric Darr. "I got some rather energetic calls from people around the country, saying things like, 'Stop the madness!'"

Friday, September 24, 2010

Shollu v3.08.2 to Pray

Shollu v3.08.2Shollu is prayer times reminder for moslem. The main aims of this program is to show warning or message to the user that prayer times is arrived or will arrived in a few minutes. so user can prepare immediately to pray (Sholaah). Also included other features.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Infotainment "Haram"

from www.detiknews.com

The Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI) Tuesday issued an edict declaring infotainment forbidden (haram) to those showing, viewing and benefiting from disgrace, gossip and other matters related to privacy.

The council issued the edict on the second day of its 8th national congress at the Jakarta Convention Center here. The three-day congress will end on July 28.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

mimic Facebook for BlackBerry or other

You still use the old mobile? Don't worry, you can mimic Facebook via the device to update status, that is by going to www.statusvia.net. (Tabloid Pulsa Edisi 186/2010/30 Juni - 13 Juli)

This site is fun based update status for your facebook account. In this site you can create your own custom device to update status, such as via Facebook for BlackBerry, via Facebook for Public Telephone, via Hosting, via Dedicated Server, via Loan collector, via Lawyers Car, via Car Insurance office, via Mortgage Agent, via Mesothelioma Hospital, via Life Insurance, via Apple iPad, etc.. That mean, you can mimic Facebook for BlackBerry or other using this site aplication.

OK, here I'll just put step by step from this site's application.

1. go to www.statusvia.net

2. click list aplication (example: via facebook for iPhone 4)

3. connect with facebook, scroll and then fill email and password, and click connect

4. back to www.statusvia.net and click your aplication (example: via Facebook for iPhone 4)

5. click "authorize update status". if not click, it will be error when updating status

6. on authorize update, click "allow Status Updates", and then Authorization Saved

7. back to www.statusvia.net and click your aplication (example via Facebook for iPhone 4)

8. click here to Update Status via iPhone 4

9. write your status and publish

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wow, Office 2010, but still Beta

Wow, not complete my knowledge of Office 2007, it has come a new release Office 2010 beta, now.

From the news, Office 2010 lets us work how, when, and where we want, letting us get things from a PC, the Web, and even a smartphone. With it, we are in control of getting things done and delivering amazing results according to our schedule.

This is interesting, but certainly we need unlimited internet connection, unless if only require only new features or new Office applications. Are you interested and want to download it? It is 618mb for office or home. Are you want to download Office 2010 beta? If you're a student, running a small business, or using Office at home, please click here. If you're an IT professional or a developer or want to use Office at work, you can click here.

So, wahat I suppose to do? Do I have to leave of Office 2007 and try Office 2010 beta?......