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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Week without Social Media

Fastcompany.com - Earlier this month, Pennsylvania's Harrisburg University of Science and Technology began a week-long ban of social media. For days, students struggled to cope with the lifestyle changes: Having no access to Facebook, Twitter, and other services on campus was like trudging through the desert without water. The blackout has since ended: Somehow, above all odds, the students survived.

"When we first started, there were quite a few angry students," says provost Eric Darr. "I got some rather energetic calls from people around the country, saying things like, 'Stop the madness!'"

Friday, September 24, 2010

Shollu v3.08.2 to Pray

Shollu v3.08.2Shollu is prayer times reminder for moslem. The main aims of this program is to show warning or message to the user that prayer times is arrived or will arrived in a few minutes. so user can prepare immediately to pray (Sholaah). Also included other features.